Club bylaws and grievances.
- Article I: The name of the organization shall be the Springfield Soccer Club (SSC)
- Article II: The purpose of the SSC is to offer programs of developmental competitive soccer primarily for, but not limited to, the residents of Springfield Township. SSC, its players, coaches, and supporting parents and guardians will be committed to (1) the highest standards of sporting conduct, (2) the development of each player to his/her highest potential ability, and (3) the sponsorship of successful teams.
- Article III: SSC shall maintain membership in the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Association.
- Article IV: The colors of SSC are navy blue and white. Other accent colors may be displayed on the uniforms.
- Article V: SSC may operate two divisions: a Senior Division for adult soccer and a Youth Division for junior and youth levels.
- Article VI: SSC shall be governed by a Board of a minimum of 12 persons, elected annually. The first scheduled meeting of each year shall be the annual meeting for the purpose of electing officers. All votes must be cast in person and may not be voted absentee, by proxy or otherwise assigned. The term of office for board members shall be from annual meeting until the following year’s annual meeting. The board shall organize itself by choosing from among its elected board members those to serve in the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Travel Team Coordinator, Intramural Coordinator and Members-at-Large. All Senior Division players and other interested adults are eligible to serve on the Board. Any vacancies on the Board, occurring for any reason are to be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board.
- Article VII: The Board shall meet monthly and at other times on the call of the President. Board members must be provided with a minimum of five days notice of a meeting. A quorum shall consist of no less than 50% of the Board members.
- Article VIII: Members may attend Board meetings, and request recognition by the President. Meetings are open to the entire SSC membership.
- Article IX: SSC shall publish quarterly newsletter and / or maintain an internet web site to publicize its activities for the benefit of Club members and others.
- Article X: These Bylaws may be changed at any properly scheduled Board meeting by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Notice of proposed changes to the Bylaws must be published in the newsletter and /or the web site at least twenty days prior to the Membership meeting at which the changes will be voted upon.
- Article XI: There shall be four categories of members: Board of Directors, coaches, youth members and supporting members. They are defined as follows:
- Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officials of this organization.
- Coaches. Coaches shall consist of all registered coaches and registered assistant coaches of this organization.
- Youth Members. Youth members shall consist of all registered players pursuant to the rules and regulations of this organization.
- Supporting Members. Supporting members shall consist of:
- All parents and/or legal guardians of youth members.
- Any other person, 18 years or older, who is interested in supporting the organization and who is approved for membership by the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors, Coaches, and Supporting Members shall be considered Voting Members for purposes of annual Board of Directors elections.
- Article XII: Membership in the organization may be suspended or terminated for cause with the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members of the Board of Directors.
A terminated or suspended member may request a grievance hearing under the club’s Grievance Policy. The Grievance Committee may consider reinstatement of the member on such terms and conditions as the Committee deems appropriate. - Article XIII: Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board members present at a special meeting called by the President.
- Article XIV: The Board of Directors shall manage the property, business and affairs of the organization and may exercise all of the powers of SSC. The Board of Directors shall have the power to make and change policies and procedures consistent with these bylaws for the management of the business and affairs of SSC.
- POLICY OF SSC – It is the policy of SSC to guarantee due process to all individuals involved in any process before the Grievance Committee and appeals to the Board of Directors from Grievance Committee processes. Individuals involved in any such process are entitled to receive copies of any materials relevant to the case in question, to be afforded due process, and to have the matter adjudicated within reasonable time frames, usually within 30 days.
2. PURPOSE OF THE GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE – The Grievance Committee is established to make findings of fact and determine sanctions upon members of SSC and their associates in cases involving problems or grievances arising during the course of the season but not arising out of allegations of misconduct by or against game officials. SSC is a recreational soccer league existing to encourage youth and adults love of the game and, as such, it will not hear any grievances arising out of the application of the laws of the game, or SSC modifications thereto, by game officials.
3. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS – The Grievance Committee shall consist of the Coaches Coordinator, Parent Representative, and 1 board member, depending upon the nature of the grievance, who shall be its Chair. Whenever a case is presented to the Grievance Committee, a Grievance Committee for that case shall be constituted. Occasionally, members of the Grievance Committee, and the Board of Directors acting on appeal, must excuse themselves from participating in a case because of their relationship to a particular person that is a party to the case before the Grievance Committee or the Board of Directors.
4. ADJUDICATION PROCEEDINGS – Filing Requirements – Before the Grievance Committee accepts a complaint the following requirements must all be met.
- The complaint must be timely filed via postal service to the SSC President/ Board of Directors. (No Emails will be recognized as an official grievance/complaint requiring Grievance Committee action)
- The Grievance Committee or Board of Directors must have jurisdiction in the matter. If not, the parties involved are informed of the appropriate authority.
- All parties must have standing before the Grievance Committee or Board of Directors.
- All documentary evidence must be made available to the Grievance Committee and the Board of Directors. It is the parties’ responsibility to provide the necessary documentary evidence.
5. PROCEDURES – RULES OF CONDUCT – The Grievance Committee and Board of Directors endeavor to maintain a dispassionate presentation of facts and arguments. To that end, the Grievance Committee and Board of Directors enforce the following rules.
- All statements of fact, argument, and assertion by any party are directed to the Grievance Committee and Board of Directors, never to the opponent.
- The Grievance Committee and the Board of Directors may elect, in cases where the facts are in dispute, to hear testimony in private without the presence of opposing witnesses in order not to taint the testimony of subsequent witnesses.
- All testimony must be limited to the principal parties, eyewitnesses, and recognized authorities on the subject. Witness statements attesting to the character of one of the parties are discouraged unless that testimony adds to the substance of the evidence.
- Parties to a dispute must be notified of the Grievance Committee’s or Board of Directors intent to hold a hearing or an appeal proceeding.
- Application of procedural due process requires parties to be afforded all of the following rights: Informed in advance of specific charges against them, Given a reasonable opportunity to present evidence on their own behalf, Notified of the decision in writing via the Postal Service, Informed of their appeal rights, including at least informing parties of where to file an appeal.
6. FACT FINDING PROCESS – In considering cases, the Grievance Committee is mindful of the following four considerations, although the rules of procedure still apply.
- All parties have a right to be heard.
- Common sense is the best guide in making a decision.
- Any decision should be based on what is good for the players and the game.
- Written rules should be applied rationally and according to both the spirit and literal construction; and, conversely, that the “spirit of the rule” is never a justification for avoiding or evading a duly authorized rule 7.
- Call to order and introduction (time as needed).
- Grievance Committee or Board of Directors members read additional materials as presented (time as needed).
- Grievance Committee Chair or SSC President states nature of case being considered (time as needed).
- Appellant/Plaintiff presents the problem under consideration (up to 5 minutes). This presentation is uninterrupted, except to indicate time limit.
- Appellee / Defendant responds with opposing position of viewpoint (up to 5 minutes). This presentation is uninterrupted, except to indicate time limit.
- Grievance Committee or Board of Directors members ask question of both parties (time as needed). Oral responses may be restricted if the information is repetitive or irrelevant.
- Witnesses for appellant/plaintiff present oral information (up to 2 minutes each). Grievance Committee or Board of Directors members may question each witness allowing time for full response without interruption, unless information is repetitive or irrelevant.
- Witnesses for appellee/defendant present oral information (up to 2 minutes each). Grievance Committee or Board of Directors members may question each witness allowing time for full response without interruption, unless information is repetitive or irrelevant.
- Appellant/Plaintiff makes closing statement (up to 5 minutes). This statement is uninterrupted, except to indicate time limit.
- Appellee/Defendant makes closing statement (up to 5 minutes). This statement is uninterrupted, except to indicate time limit.
- The Grievance Committee Chair or SSC President closes the proceedings. The Chair/President announces that a decision will be made in a closed meeting immediately following the hearing. A written decision will be sent to the parties as soon as possible, but usually within 72 hours.
Note: All proceedings are confidential and should not be discussed or disclosed outside of these proceedings.